Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tilipia for Dinner

It was Sunday after church and my eldest son, age 10, says, "I don't know why, but I am craving fish for dinner". I was stunned! Finally, my subtle hints of eating healthy have paid off!

I immediately ran to the freezer and pulled out some Tilapia I had purchased earlier in the week and pulled a recipe out of my head and began to prepare our meal. It turned out delicious and my son exclaimed, "You need to make this again, Mom!"

Mission Accomplished!

Now onto my two other boys....They aren't as quick to jump on the Health Conscious bandwagon! I am starting to hide nutritional needs in their food, such as kale in their fruit smoothies, spinach and carrot puree in homemade brownies, and other pureed vegetables in kid-friendly food. I purchased "Deceptively Delicious" by Jessica Seinfeld a year ago, and am just now really getting into it. She has wonderful recipes in the book, all focused on getting better food in her children's bodies by adding pureed fruits and veggies to normal, everyday food.

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